Art Slope

Art Slope is an exciting, new, and interactive arts festival, sponsored by the Park Slope Civic Council, which will run from September 17th-25th throughout the historic Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn.

­ Art Slope will draw upon New York City’s rich trove of artists and arts organizations to create a unique creative experience for people of all ages and artistic interests. All events will be free with performances primarily taking place on the weekends of September 17­-18 and 24­-25.

­ Art Slope will feature many different types of art,­ sculpture, painting, film, performance art, theater, poetry readings, sound installations and much more. There will also be a unique panels and discussions, and hands-­on activities for children and adults.

­ The venues will range from Prospect Park and Washington Park to the front yards and facades of brownstones, and to local businesses, galleries, restaurants and cafes. In addition, Prospect Park will host 8 to 12 large art installations, some with sound features.

­ The submissions period for Prospect Park installations has concluded. But there is plenty of time — until July 31 — for artists, both visual and performing, to submit art proposals, and for businesses and homeowners to apply to hosting art or become sponsors of Art Slope.

­ All art locations and performances will be shown on an official map and online ­ and will also include times for performances, film showings, talks and interactive activities for children and adults.

­ Please check this website for more information on how to get involved as an artist, host, sponsor or volunteer ­ as well as for updates on Art Slope activities!

­Art Slope is an all volunteer organized effort, under the auspices of the Park Slope Civic Council. We will need additional volunteers to help us during the festival, beginning in early September on planning and logistics, and especially during the two weekends of the festival, when we will have information booths, performances and film events, and interactive activities for both children and adults. Please filled out the form here if you would enjoy helping out on this community community wide effort!