About Art Slope
Art Slope will be a nine-day free, multi-arts festival taking over the historic Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, September 17-25. With an incredibly rich trove of artists, arts organizations, and venues to draw on, Art Slope will bring together artworks from across all disciplines and celebrate New York's diverse creative community.
Art Slope will feature works in both traditional and non-traditional performance/viewing spaces within Park Slope. Sample venues include public parks, residential facades, cafes, galleries, schools, store fronts, and community gardens. The process of matching artists with venues is carefully based on the artist and their artwork, as well as venue's space considerations. Artists are encouraged to reach out to venues and submit project proposals with their venue.
During the festival, artworks from all mediums will be presented. Works ranging from sculpture to painting, film to performance art, theater to poetry readings, and live music and sound installations. Artist panels will also be featured, where by artists will host discussions with colleagues about current issues facing artists and their work. And children's workshops, live performances, art installations, and hands-on activities will also be available.
As festival visitors arrive, they will be given venue maps listing all the art sites, performance venues, and event schedule. The idea being that festival goers will stroll from venue to venue, selecting performances to attend and exploring various artworks at their own pace.
Art Slope is 100% volunteer-powered and made possible by the generous support of donors like you and the Park Slope Civic Council.
Our mission is to create an occasion to draw on the resources of the creative population of the area, to enhance and enrich the community, and to create a means of reaching a broader spectrum of people. We hope to create a biennial forum for evolving arts experiences, for all ages, diverse in population of both artists and visitors.